Can You Read This Quiz Answers Video Facts Quiz
Can You Read This Quiz Answers Video Facts Quiz
1. What number is hidden here?
- 997
- 924
- 294
- 297
Right Answer: 294
2. Let’s see if you can make out the word in this image.
- Concept
- Concord
- Concoct
- Console
Right Answer: Concord
3. Which number do you see here?
- 230
- 280
- 289
- 239
Right Answer: 239
4. What number lurks inside this pattern?
- 2893
- 2892
- 2398
- 2803
Right Answer: 2893
5. What do you see here?
- 173
- 178
- 718
- 713
Right Answer: 173
6. Which four letters are hidden here?
Right Answer: DRBP
7. Which word do you read here?
- Sculpturesque
- Plateresque
- Picturesque
- Statuesque
Right Answer: Picturesque
8. Can you see this number?
- 74285
- 71285
- 74205
- 74206
Right Answer: 74205
9. Which letters do you see here?
Right Answer: NTRPRS
10. Try not to get dizzy… What word can you read below?
- Vestige
- Vertigo
- Metrico
- Mephisto
Right Answer: Vertigo
11. Which number can you see here?
- 428
- 423
- 498
- 493
Right Answer: 423
12. What do you see here?
- 747
- 141
- 242
- 717
Right Answer: 747
13. Which number is displayed here?
- 48
- 43
- 18
- 13
Right Answer: 48
14. What do you see here?
- 1701
- 1101
- 1791
- 1191
Right Answer: 1701
15. Can you see which number is displayed here?
- 830
- 638
- 838
- 630
Right Answer: 630
16. Can you help us find the hidden word?
- Help
- Kelp
- Helm
- Cold
Right Answer: Kelp
17. Can you tell which letters are shown in the image?
Right Answer: FTLDRV
18. Lo and behold: there’s a word hidden in this image! Can you read it?
- Dace
- Space
- Adore
- Adage
Right Answer: Adage
19. It’s not as illegible as you might think… What’s written here?
- Elouise
- Eclipse
- Ellipse
- Enlist
Right Answer: Ellipse
20. How about this? Piece of cake, right?
- Pennsilvania
- Peninsula
- Penumbra
- Retinacula
Right Answer: Peninsula
21. Which word is sitting right there on the stairs?
- Ludmilla
- Tortilla
- Lunitidal
- Godzilla
Right Answer: Tortilla
22. Can you decipher this?
Right Answer: GCOQO
23. We’re looking for the WORD in this image. Can you find it?
- Ineptitude
- Interlude
- Inertial
- Introduce
Right Answer: Ineptitude
24. Which number is hidden here?
- 18983
- 18907
- 70383
- 78303
- 18383
- 18307
Right Answer: 18983
25. Let’s see if you can sniff out the hidden word here.
- Orthodox
- Quartet
- Warthog
- Waterloo
- Unproved
- Warrant
Right Answer: Warthog
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